Let your kids learn 3 English Basics in this free ESL webinar!
I’m running a free class for beginner English ESL kids!
I know that little ones have very limited attention spans, so I am going to try and keep it short. 10-15 mins.
We are going to learn three basic things:
1. Greetings
We’ll be doing some greetings as well as a hello song and a goodbye song.
- Hello!
- How are you?
- I’m fine thank you, and you?
- Goodbye!
2. Colours
We will learn the three primary colours:
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
3. Letters
We will just be learning three letters in this session in conjunction with the colours.
- r
- b
- y
The class will take place on thelessonspace.com on a link which I will send you before the time.
Right now, if you are interested, please sign up and give me your preferred time.
Thank you!