What’s the time?

Does your child struggle to understand how to read a clock face in English? In today’s post we will be looking at explaining some key names for telling the time.


When the long hand is on the twelve, we say “o’clock.”

We then work out the hour by looking at the short hand. In the picture below the short hand is on the nine so we say “It is nine o’clock.”

For the half hour try and explain to your child about splitting something in half and the long hand is on the six which is halfway.

The short hand is halfway between the relevant hour (in this case nine) and the next hour.

For the quarter hours, explain about cutting something into quarters. It’s also important to show the direction: quarter past and quarter to.

Watch the video to see more.

Then let them do the worksheet afterwards.

You can also practice digital time: 4:00 = Four o’clock, 4:15 = quarter past four, 4:30 = Half past four, 4:45 = quarter to five.

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